My Work as an Compere and Burlesque MC

To keep myself out of mischief sometimes as me, and sometimes as my alter ego M.Jacqui, I host fabulous events.
For the word of burlesque I bring a blend of dark humour and razor sharp wit. For corporate and charity events I bring the same wit, tone down the darkness and look simply fabulous in a suit.
Here is some of the work I've enjoyed so far.
The Peach Tartes - guest emcee: The Slipper Room, NYC.
Miss Polly Rae & The HurlyBurly Girlys - Regular emcee: Soho Revue Bar; Volupte
(West End & City); The Landmarc (Bournemouth).
The Diamond Dahhhlings: regular compere, High Wycombe
The Kitten Club - guest emcee: Volupte.

An Evening With Richard O'Brien, ChinaWhite.
Gameshow host - Moonlighting; regular corporate compere.
2006 UNICEF Cinderella Ball - MC: The Park Lane Hotel.
Samaritans Fundraiser - compere; Clapham.
An Evening With Richard O'Brien, ChinaWhite.
Gameshow host - Moonlighting; regular corporate compere.
2006 UNICEF Cinderella Ball - MC: The Park Lane Hotel.
Samaritans Fundraiser - compere; Clapham.